Saturday, November 13, 2010

November 10th Deborah's tutorial - design and facilitation team

A thoughtful presentation in our tutorial courtesy of Stephanie, John, Sarah and Michael on reclaiming public space.  It was a rich with many elements.  The group opened with a video about the public space intervention called Free Dance Lessons that took place on Toronto streets and in subway stations.  The group then provided us with a ritual in which we could reclaim public space that advertisers have taken from us.  We were provided with the McDonalds golden arches logo and also a wall of course kits covers that we were able to graffiti.

We all had a hand in reclaiming these adverisments and re representing them

Some student comments were recorded while they were engaged in the process...
"I'm into it"
"Overwhelming, I don't know where to start.  We rarely have this opportunity to make things our own and I don't know what to do when I do have the opportunity."
"I love it, I love it.  I feel  like a rebel, I feel free."
"I'm happy and hungry...this is so fun. It's such a good idea."
"This is soooo fun and engaging.  It's really nice to be expressive and artistic in the middle of a day of lectures."
"Ba da ba ba baaaa...I'm lovin' it (laughing)"

Delicious food was purchased by the group when they went to Evergreen Brick Works farmers market.  This is a "large-scale example of reclaiming space." Click link below for much more detail.
(pumpkin pie credit goes to Samay.) :-)
The concluding activity was called The Walls.  One wall in the class was labeled 'agree' and the opposite wall labeled 'disagree'.  The following 3 statements were read and we were to situated ourselves either at one end or the other, or somewhere in between according to how much we agreed or disagreed. 
·         I think that what happens in public spaces should be regulated by the municipal government.
·         I think anyone should be able to plant vegetables or fruit in public space.
·         I think graffiti should only happen in designated areas.
To visually see where other stood on these issues in relationship to our own views was thought provoking. Discussion ensued. 


  1. I just wanted to say thanks to the class for their enthusiasm this week, as well as the Documentation Team's attention to detail when recording events - I love that you recorded some students' thoughts during the exercise, it really captured the feeling in the moment.

    The rest of the group and I had such a great time preparing and presenting for you. We were ecstatic to hear such positive feedback and welcomed the constructive criticism. Keep up the energy level!

    - Stephanie, from "Contesting Public Space" Design & Facilitation Team.
