Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Power, Identity and Difference

Today we talked about Identity(ies), its differences and the power associated with it (or lack thereof).

Power Flower 

This power flower is tools used as way to reflect on our social location and realizing a a relation between those who have power or are the dominant group and those who aren't. It was a good exercise because it made you think about identities and made you reflect on your own privilege in some petals and lock of privilege in other petals. A key statement made during lecture is that identity(ies) are changing and fluid. Nothing is static since our lives would change and different context and environment would demand a type of adaptation or change in identity.

In the Toronto context, we speak of identities through a "multicultural" framework or lens. This topic is a a constant theme spilling over throughout Kim's tutorials. Some questions that were raised were:
What is multiculturalism? Who is included in this framework or mosaic of 'diversity'? Who decided which identities are included in this? Does multiculturalism as it is described to market Canada and Toronto really exist? Is it another form of Racism and Hypocrisy?


The group presentation was a very dynamic one in Kim's tutorial.

As four presenters came in dressed in gorilla masks, they served us us zucchini salad with tomato sauce  sprinkled with parmesan cheese. Taking inspiration from the "Guerilla Girls," who are anonymous females who take the names of dead female artists pseudonyms and appear in public wearing gorilla masks the group offered a thought provoking discussion about how important and limiting socially constructed identities are.

The ritual that the class participated in was inspirational. We were all in a circle clapping, and holding a piece of a Jenga puzzle, as we go around the circle each one of had to put down the piece making a tower and complete the sentence "I am ..." Everyone had something different to say. I am - a student, a mother, a Canadian, a girl, a French girl, a citizen, an artist. However at the end of the activity one of the presenters knocked down the tower and emphasized the point that these identities are all constructed and limiting and we should free ourselves from these. It was a very fun activity. You also learn a lot about how people perceive themselves and what is most important to them since we were given space for only one label. 

As part of their presentation, we had a spoken word performance as well!!  (The piece will be put up ASAP)!! :)
The most memorable part of the day for me. 


Zucchini pasta
The reason the group chose to make zucchini pasta is because it was a perfect example of their topic. The zucchini in zucchini pasta is basically taking on the identity of pasta. This dish is a hybrid of American and Italian, and also Vegan culture.
Breaking down socially constructed identities
This activity lead to an explanation on how the idea of identity is actually something that is always in flex never finished.  We shouldn't limit and label ourselves to one specific category because this is very inaccurate. Through this exercise we also learnt that part of what we know about ourselves is knowing what we're not. We compare ourselves to others and through our perspectives of others, we identify ourselves. 

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