Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Deb's Tutorial: Sharing Our Stories

For last week's tutorial we had to bring an object which represented the community we identify ourselves with. Each of shared personal stories which allowed us to get to know each other a little better.
As a group it helped us relate to one another and realize that there is so much more to an individual and their community than what you see at face value. Even through this rich diversity of individuals we were able to relate to their life’s events. This exercise was a reminder of how we are all interconnected through emotions and experience.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Community and YOU

Deborah introduced us to the different events we are able to participate in. These include:

The Manifesto Festival: Celebrates youth and hip hop culture. Includes very engaging events and workshops such as concerts, b-boy contests, guest speakers, etc…
September 20 – 26 www.themanifesto.ca/festival.html

Recipe for Change - Eat-in Ontario: This is an initiative started by FoodShare with the goal to build food literacy among students. It will teach them where their food comes from and how to live a healthy lifestyle in an engaging and hands-on environment.
October 8, 2010 www.foodshare.net/school-recipeforchange.htm

Planet In Focus: An environmental film festival which not only shows educational and inspiring films but also invites special guests to dialogue with the audience to talk about the certain environmental issues that the films present.
October 13 – 17 www.planetinfocus.org

Drawing with Scissors: Molas from Kuna Yala exhibit: See intricately done molas (a part of the blouse worn my Kuna Yala women) which illustrates Kuna culture, the community, and their surroundings.
October 27, 2010 www.textilemuseum.ca/exhibitions/

Night of Dread: Presents a moment to parade your deepest fears and laugh at them! Workshops before the event are available if anyone wants to participate. During the event there will be music, dance, and art. Sounds fun!
October 30, 2010 www.clayandpapertheatre.org

Late Night in the Bedroom: Artists showcasing artists in support of the creative community and to integrate different art forms. It proves that the internet can do miracles and actually create new communities. Opportunities to volunteer and attend events are available

Friday, September 17, 2010

Fierce Light: Where Spirit Meets Action

Fierce Light: Where Spirit Meets Action

This week we watched excepts from the phenominal documentary, Fierce Light. I found the film to be very evocative, as well as emotionally moving. The film is very inspirational and from the portions shown in class, it realisticly represents the idea that if we can work together it is possible to create a better, more sustainable world. I'm definatly going to rent the film to see the whole thing. What are your thoughts on the film?


Hello everyone!

Welcome to the official blog documenting our experiences in Community Arts for Social Change.
We hope you enjoyed our first class together, and have had a chance to get to know one another. 
We are very excited to document this class. Here we will be posting interviews on fellow students, discussing class issues and sharing photography, artwork and poetry.

Keep checking back for more updates.